November 2016 Luncheon

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: West Shore Country Club
Speaker: John Barton, Brandywine Valuation Consultants

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"The Effect of IRC 2704 on Gift Tax Valuations"

  • Explanation of IRC 2704: How it will change the estate planning process
  • A history of the IRS’s position on discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability
  • Jurisdiction – Who controls the outcome?  The IRS?  The U.S. Tax Court?  Congress?
  • How IRC 2704 conflicts with the Fair Market Value Standard
  • Where the proposal now stand.

with special guest speaker:

Brandywine Valuation Consultants, LLC

Special thanks to our sponsors:

Brandywine Valuation Consultants, LLC

John is the President of Brandywine Valuation Consultants, LLC. He is responsible for
the analysis and valuation of closely held entities and intangible assets and he provides
expert witness testimony in litigation matters. John holds an MBA from LaSalle
University as well as an M.A. from Fordham University. He also serves as the Chairman
of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Business Valuation
Committee. John is a past Chairman of the ASA’s Business Valuation Committee and
has served as Chair of the ASA’s Education Committee where he was in charge of course
content and development for the ASA’s business valuation educational program. Most
recently John developed the business valuation curriculum for the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and a valuation curriculum for CPA Australia. Over the past
fifteen years he has taught business valuation courses throughout the United States,
Europe and the Middle East for the ASA, IIBV, RICS, and the Big 4 accounting firms.
During 2016, John has taught courses in Saudi Arabia for the Saudi government and in
Serbia for the National Association of Valuers of Serbia.


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