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NAEPC Webinar: Patient Safety Concerns with Living Wills & Advance Directives - Complimentary Sponsored Webinar: Offered by MIDEO Health

Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET
Location: Complimentary Sponsored Webinar
Speaker: Ferdinando L. Mirarchi, DO, FAAEM, FACEP

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There are two certainties in life, the first being Death and the second being Taxes. National Healthcare Decisions Day is a National Day of Conversation where Health Systems & Employers across the nation take the day and even the week to speak about advance directives, healthcare, power of attorney documents, as well as completing those documents to be part of your estate plan, and just overall health and wellness. This year, the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils is offering a complimentary webinar presented by MIDEO Health to educate all of you on the newest state of the art Patient safety technology called MIDEO (My Informed Decision on VidEO).  On this National Day, let’s not just do advance directives.  Let’s safely create advance directives and connect clients with medical services that could take care of them throughout both Wellness and Serious illness. 

This webinar will

  1. Describe 2 of the 5 most important estate planning documents
    1. Define and describe the living will
    2. Define and describe the healthcare power of attorney NR
  2. Provide clinical examples of how documents get misinterpreted
  3. Review the literature with respect to misinterpretation rates of the living will and POLST
    1. Discuss wrongful prolongation of life and wrongful death and the impact on the estate
  4. Review newer video technologies such as MIDEO to improve patient care and safety
    1. Define how partnerships between estate planning professionals and medicine can improve overall client and patient safety.

Dr. Ferdinando Mirarchi, DO, is the Chief Executive and Chief Medical Officer of MIDEO Health.  He previously was the Medical Director of the UPMC Hamot Emergency Department in Erie, Pennsylvania, and the Chief of Emergency Services for UPMC’s Norther Tier of Emergency Services, as well as the Chairman of the UPMC Hamot Physician Network Governance Council.

He is the Principal Investigator of the TRIAD Research Series (The Realistic Interpretation of Advance Directives). The results of his TRIAD research have been featured in the NY Times, Washington POST, Boston Herald and many more nationally syndicated outlets.

The TRIAD research has confirmed that there is a new nationwide and global patient safety risk related to confusion surrounding living wills, DNR & POLST orders. His TRIAD research has also set the foundation for the development and utilization of a state of the art, evidence-based patient safety solution called MIDEO (My Informed Decision on VidEO).


MIDEO has been structured to be both a Video Advance Directive and portable Physicians Medical Order that is prescriptive, clarifies existing documents and retrievable in seconds. Dr. Mirarchi is the author of Understanding Your Living Will; What You Need to Know before a Medical Emergency, published by Addicus Books. He is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and a fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.

REGISTER HERE for this complimentary webinar. To subscribe to the 2024 webinar series, please click HERE.

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The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series

The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series was launched in September 2013 to provide estate planners with accessible, high quality, multi-disciplinary and supplemental education.  Programs typically take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm ET. 

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Register anyway! We'll send you a link to the webinar archive so you can view it at your own convenience.

To register for an upcoming program, click on "register here" on the page associated with the program you will be attending live or on-demand. ​ Those who are new to the Tradewing system must create an account before registering.

Continuing Education Credit

Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees.  In addition, a general certificate of completion will be available for those who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file.  It is the responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program.  Please contact prior to attending your first program if you have any questions with regard to the availability of credit. 


Webinar sponsorship is now available!  Direct inquiries to Ed Socorro @ 312-600-5303 or

Event Conduct Policy

By registering, all attendees agree to follow the NAEPC Event Conduct Policy at each webinar.

Webinars will be hosted within NAEPC's new online community, Tradewing, which will allow us to offer them on a complimentary basis!  Participants must create an account and then register for the webinar they would like to attend.

See Upcoming Event Calendar